World fair trade day

We support socially disadvantaged groups of people.

May 11 is World Fair Trade Day, which is dedicated to fair trade. Local production and
support of socially disadvantaged groups is one of the pillars on which WAKIVAKY is built.
The women and men who make our products with their own hands are fairly compensated
for their work. We take their needs seriously. We adapt to the regime for mothers with young
children, employ retired people, give students the opportunity...

At the same time, we are part of the international Fashion Revolution movement, which fights
for a transparent, ethical and sustainable fashion industry all over the world, but especially in
developing countries, where the problem with the exploitation of people working in the textile
industry is the biggest.

What can you do for fair trade?

  • Shop responsibly.
  • Before buying, think about who made the given product and under what conditions, whether by buying it you are supporting child labor, bad working conditions, bullying...
  • Don't be tempted only by the price and the ubiquitous advertising of ultra fast fashion chains.
  • Appreciate the work of others.